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Welcome to TCDN Online School Demo Page


Effective: Hybrid 3-in-1 blended learning experience for CBC and 8-4-4 curricula.

Enjoy FUN lessons by way of:

  • Teacher-assisted distance learning (school driven)
  • Home schooling (parent driven)
  • Self-directed learning (learner driven).

We care about and have integrated:

  • Online security measures for learners
  • Life skills training
  • Automated monitoring and evaluation of learning.

Grab your spot!

We welcome learners from all schools and offer available slots on first come first served basis.

Access details

Demo |
Enrolment |


Kes. 4,000 per month (Kes. 150 per day)
Worth every penny and more!

Parent, online learning is the future of education!
Get on Board!

Below is a more comprehensive overview of our program.

Welcome to TCDN Online School Demo

To express interest in the live demo session,

Call or SMS 0707 316 606

To enroll a child, go to:  

General Overview of TCDN Program

Below is some pertinent information on our program for your information.

  1. Our model is that of assisted distance learning. Lessons are delivered using various approaches including the following:
    • Learners login to the learning environment to access simplified complete lessons, tests and other learning resources. Formats applied in lesson presentation include written, audio and video content
    • Learners enjoy face to face engagement with teachers in the Classroom and in other group forums.
  2. Supported Curricula: Our program supports various curricula including 8-4-4 and CBC.  Children of below 4 years are also catered for under Kinder School (Playgroup option). 
  3. Teachers are on-call to support learners on week days (Monday to Friday) between 9.00 am and 1.00 pm. Learners are encouraged to call or write (use SMS or email) in as fast as possible for appropriate assistance. Support will be limited to lessons already taken by the learner on our platform as at date.
  4. Some administrative controls have been incorporated in the system to ensure that learning is achieved in a meaningful way and to minimize requirement for supervision. They include the following:
    • All lessons must be taken: Any child who joins the program must start at Lesson 1 for all subjects.  This is to ensure that they do not lose out on any important content. Delayed enrollment therefore means that the child lags in respect of completion time.  Revision lessons (content for previous classes) are available for free for paid up learners until Schools officially reopen, after which they will become chargeable.
    • Lessons are tiered progressively: The learner must successfully complete one lesson to be able to proceed to the next lesson in the same subject. This includes completing class work on the system, turning in any assignments, and taking quizzes successfully. A high Pass Mark has been set to ensure learners take learning seriously and consciously seek to understand one concept before proceeding to the next.  It is the learners’ responsibility to contact the teacher for support in any challenging area that is hindering his/her progression.
    • Learners must take all subjects without bias: We appreciate that learners have subject preferences and if left to their own devices may concentrate on these at the expense of other subjects.  To ensure that learners give equal attention to all subjects, taking of lessons is also tiered by subject. 
    • Revision from Class 4 for Upper Primary Classes: This has been integrated in all Upper Primary subject content.  This is especially helpful for candidates who are preparing for National Examinations and for all learners in these classes who are expected to be away from School for a long time and thus likely to forget what they have been taught.  It is also important for learners who are challenged in different subject areas.
    • Face to face (Zoom) Classes are incorporated at least once a week. Learners should try attend all Zoom Classes. During these sessions teachers recap the subject content of the week, test learners’ understanding of content and also take and address learner questions and challenges. Learners are required to submit information on any areas of challenge to the teacher (through official communication channels) to be included in the Zoom Class.
    • Self-paced learning is activated: This is to enable learners to adapt learning schedules to their individual circumstances which include; availability of resources such as electricity, internet, digital devices and time. Progress is learner-driven. Some elements of our program are however not flexible. These include weekly Zoom Classes and General Assemblies.  It is the responsibility of the parent and learner to ensure that he/she logs on in time to participate in the sessions.  Sessions are not repeated thus learner has to wait for next available cycle where applicable.
    • Subscription is on a monthly basis: Monthly subscriptions expire at the end of 30 days from the date that a payment is made. Any lost days are not recoverable. This is an automated process.  It is therefore upon the Learner (with the help of the parent/guardian) to ensure that the /she takes lessons consistently.  Delay by the learner in taking lessons will cost the parent/guardian dearly in subscription fees. 
    • Content is accessible by learner for a limited period: To stem procrastination in taking lessons and related notes, and to also ensure that learner’s take their lessons seriously, content is available for a limited amount of time.  Any time from 1st September 2020 access to subject material accessed in previous months, upon expiry of a given subscription period, will be restricted.  Parents are thus required to do regular checks to ensure that learner takes short notes when studying. Taking notes helps in retention and facilitates future revision.

5. Talent development: Our program consciously provides for talent development and resourcefulness.  We have programmed creative days on which children engage in creative activities in their areas of interest/talent.  We support the children to maintain activity portfolios on the same. 

6. Enrollment: Our enrollment process is automated.

    • A variety of payment solutions are available from which you can choose your preferred option.
    • To enroll a learner, go to TCDN Home Page at and Click on ‘Enroll to Class Here’ button and complete the enrollment process. Ensure that your username is unique.
    • If a learner has been referred by a School, he/she must indicate the Username of the referring agent in the reference field at the point of enrollment, i.e. before completion of the enrollment process. Any enrollments without specified reference agents will not be considered for the Referral Reward Program that is available for Schools.
    • The Referral Reward Program for Schools is an initiative of TCDN to enable Schools that do not yet have functional LMS to:
    • Support their learners’ continued education, revision and positive engagement in other ways by sharing our Learning Management Solution
    • Prepare for re-opening and efficient learner reintegration in the School environment post-COVID.
    • For more specific information on the Referral Reward Program kindly contact us on Tel. 0707316606.

7. Charges: Monthly subscription fees for all 8-4-4 and CBC classes are at a flat rate of Kes. 4,000 which, roughly, translates to Kes. 150 per day.  Subscription fees for other programs varies from one program to another as do charges for other items in our shop. TCDN reserves the right to amend charges as and when it is deemed appropriate. 

Monthly subscription gives you 30 days of access. Upon renewal, the learner starts from where he/she left off.

We look forward to a productive and rewarding engagement with you and your child/learners for the mutual benefit of all stakeholders on this education journey!

To express interest in the live demo session, Call or SMS 0707316606.

To enroll a child, go to:

Parent, help your child to adapt to online learning in a safe and fun way.  Online learning is surely set to be a new normal in the delivery of basic education the world over.

Karibu Cardinal!

Click on the link below for an appreciation of a typical lesson.

TCDN Online School

We offer

Value, Convenience

and Growth