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“Kindness can transform someone’s dark moment with a blaze of light. You’ll never know how much your caring matters. Make a difference for another today.” 
Amy Leigh Mercree

Make a difference in the life of a child through a one-time contribution to the General Support Fund or by undertaking part/full sponsorship of a needy and/or vulnerable child under the Academic Sponsorship Fund. You can also help by mobilizing people/families to support our sponsorship programs.

Your contribution, however little, will enable a deserving child to access a good education and improve their chances of succeeding in life.

The General Support Fund supports acquisition, development and maintenance of programs that benefit all students which include but are not limited to growth and empowerment initiatives, facilities and amenities and general student support services. In this way, you positively impact the lives of many children for generations to come.

The Academic Sponsorship Fund enables tuition assistance to vulnerable children as established under our Safeguarding Children program, orphans and other disadvantaged children. Sponsors will receive regular updates and photos for the duration of the sponsorship.

All donations shall be treated as charitable contributions and will be subject to applicable processes, laws and regulations.

We appreciate any donation you can make to support the CES experience for our students!

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